當前位置:首頁  通知公告  學科科研


作者: 訪問量:493發布時間:2021-11-30


國際製導、導航與控製學術會議(ICGNC)是目前中國最大的航空、航天、航海、陸地等運動體製導、導航與控製(GNC)領域的國際學術會議,每兩年舉辦一次,已經成功舉辦9屆。ICGNC 2022將集聚國內外高等院校、科研院所和工業部門的專家學者,探討和交流GNC領域相關的學術和技術問題,並將邀請GNC領域的國際知名學者做大會特邀報告,會議還包括總師論壇、國家教學名師論壇、青年科學家論壇、會前報告、小組討論、邀請組、口頭報告和張貼報告等。

ICGNC 2022會議將於2022年8月5-7日哈爾濱召開。本屆會議由中國航空學會製導、導航與控製分會飛行器控製一體化技術重點實驗室共同主辦,中國自動化學會導航製導與控製專業委員會中國自動化學會無人飛行器自主控製專業委員會中國自動化學會控製理論專業委員會協辦,哈爾濱工程大學承辦。

本屆會議英文論文本屆會議英文論文將由 Springer 出版社的 Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 係列正式出版(EI 收錄),所有錄用的中文論文將被推薦到《中國科學》、《航空學報》、《宇航學報》、《智能係統學報》、《上海交通大學學報》、《北京航空航天大學學報》、《南京航空航天大學學報》等核心期刊發表,其中相關教學改革論文將被推薦到《實驗室研究與探索》、《電氣電子教學學報》等核心期刊發表。    歡迎為本屆會議組織Special Session(可以中文稿和英文稿在同一Session中混合)。熱忱歡迎國內外相關研究領域同行踴躍投稿並參會!

  歡迎為本屆會議組織Special Session(可以中文稿和英文稿在同一Session中混合)。熱忱歡迎國內外相關研究領域同行踴躍投稿並參會!

 會議語言:英文/ 中文



Special session申請截止日期:2022225

錄用/不錄用通知日期: 202245





唐仁林   北京市海定區學院路37號,北京航空航天大學,自動化科學與電氣工程學院,100083





2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC 2022)



The 2022 International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC 2020) will be held in Tianjin on August 5-7, 2022, following the successes of previous nine events. International Conference on Guidance, Navigation and Control (ICGNC) is a biennial event, which is also one of the leading events in Guidance, Navigation and Control(GNC).


ICGNC 2022 is sponsored by Technical Committee on Guidance, Navigation and Control (TCGNC), Chinese Society of Aeronautics and Astronautics(CSAA), and Science and Technology on Aircraft Control Laboratory. It is technically co-sponsored by Technical Committee on Navigation, Guidance and Control(TCNGC), Chinese Association of Automation(CAA), Technical Committee on Unmanned Aerial Systems Autonomous Control(TCUASAC), Chinese Association of Automation (CAA), and Technical Committee on Control Theory(TCCT),  Chinese Association of Automation (CAA). ICGNC2022 is organized by Harbin Engineering University.


The conference papers in English presented at the ICGNC 2022 will be published by Springer (indexed by EI-Compendex). Several best English papers of them will be selected for SCI-indexed Journals.


We sincerely welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for this conference. We look forward to seeing you in Tianjin for this exciting event!


Conference Language: English / Chinese

Official Website: http://icgnc.buaa.edu.cn/


Important Dates:

Paper submission deadline:  March 10, 2022
Special session proposals deadline:  February 25, 2022
Paper acceptance notification date:   April 5, 2022
Final paper submission deadline: April 25, 2020
Early registration: April 25, 2020

Contact Information:

Prof. Renlin Tang, School of Automation Science and Electrical Engineering, Beihang University (BUAA), No.37, Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100083, P. R. China
Tel: +86-10-82317318
Mob: +86-13621186338
E-mail: icgnc_gncc@126.com


電話:+86-25-84892368 傳真:+86-25-84892368
地址:爱游戏老版本下载地址 1003分箱 版權信息:爱游戏网站地址
書記信箱 院長信箱
