學術研討會International Workshop on Intelligent Control of Autonomous Unmanned Systems順利召開

作者:趙金 訪問量:1167發布時間:2021-07-19

2021714日下午,小型學術研討會“International Workshop on Intelligent Control of Autonomous Unmanned Systems”在學院1號樓405會議室順利召開。英國拉夫堡大學Wen-Hua Chen教授、Jun Yang高級講師和Jingjing Jiang講師受邀參會,並通過騰訊會議分別做了題為“Dual Control for Exploration and Exploitation”“A Nonsmooth Nonrecursive Synthesis (NNS) Framework for Nonlinear System Control”“Shared Control: An Integration of User Control and Automated Entities”的學術報告。研討會由爱游戏网站地址 副院長陳謀教授主持,學院三十餘位師生現場參會,另外四十餘位師生在線參加了本次研討會。


Chen教授首先對自動搜索的應用背景做了簡要介紹,重點指出了自主無人係統在環境保護等背景下自動搜索的研究意義。Chen教授將自動搜索問題考慮為一種新型控製問題,並提出了一種全新的自動探索DCEEDual Control for Exploration and Exploitation)框架。DCEE框架能夠在沒有指定目標位置和搜索路徑的未知環境條件下驅動無人係統接近未知源。然後以無人機為例,多組實驗結果展示了DCEE的有效性。最後,Chen教授對自主無人係統自動探索的未來研究方向提出了展望。


Jun Yang老師首先簡要介紹了高階非線性係統的研究難點,從而給出了非光滑非遞歸綜合(Nonsmooth Nonrecursive SynthesisNNS)框架的研究意義。然後為解決遞歸設計在高階係統中的控製器形式複雜、參數調節困難等問題,將NNS框架分別結合幹擾估計補償、魯棒與自適應控製方法,實現高階非線性係統的抗幹擾控製和魯棒跟蹤控製。隨後通過仿真對所提出的方法進行了驗證。最後,Jun Yang老師對彙報內容進行了總結,並對NNS框架未來的研究方向提出了展望。


Jingjing Jiang老師分享了在共享控製方麵的最新研究成果。首先,對共享控製的應用背景和工作原理做了簡要介紹。針對受約束的機械係統,設計了共享控製律,使係統在滿足約束的同時保證了誤差的收斂性。隨後,以低速車輛運動學模型為例,對操作員和反饋控製器之間的動態控製進行權重分配,同時保證了係統的全局穩定性。仿真實驗表明了所提出的控製方案在機械係統和交通環境中應用的有效性。最後,Jingjing Jiang老師對共享控製的研究前景提出了展望。


報告結束後,Wen-Hua Chen教授、Jun Yang老師和Jingjing Jiang老師分別與參會師生針對報告內容進行了熱烈的討論,並對師生們提出的問題給予了詳細的解答。



Dr Wen-Hua Chen holds Professor in Autonomous Vehicles in the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering at Loughborough University, UK, where he is leading the Centre for Autonomous Systems. Prof. Chen has a considerable experience in autonomous vehicles particularly in unmanned aircraft and driverless cars, spanning autopilots, situational awareness, decision making to system integration and verification, and their applications in a wide range of areas including precision agriculture and environment monitoring. He received both his MSc and PhD from Department of Automatic Control at Northeastern University, China, in 1989 and 1991 respectively. Prof. Chen is a Chartered Engineer (CEng), a Fellow of IEEE, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and the Institution of Engineering and Technology. Recently he was awarded a prestigious EPSRC Established Career Fellowship to explore next generation of control theory for robotics and autonomous systems.

楊俊,英國拉夫堡大學高級講師,英國工程技術學會會士(IET Fellow)。長期從事非線性與抗幹擾控製理論,機電係統和無人係統控製技術等研究工作。研究成果曾獲教育部自然科學獎1項,江蘇省科學技術獎2項,英國工程技術學會(IET)最佳論文獎,英國測量與控製協會(IMC),日本電氣電子工程師協會(IEEJ)和中國百篇最具影響力國際學術論文獎各1次。現任IEEE Open Journal of the Industrial Electronics SocietyTransactions of the Institute of Measurement and ControlElectronics等國際刊物Associate EditorEditorial Board Member

Dr. Jingjing Jiang, currently a Lecturer in Intelligent Mobility / Autonomous Vehicles in the Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering (AAE) at Loughborough University, was born in China. She earned the B.Eng degree in Electronic and Electrical Engineering from the University of Birmingham, UK and the B.Eng degree in Measurement, Control Technology and Instrument from the Harbin Institute of Technology, China, in 2010, the M.Sc. degree in Control Systems and the Ph.D. degree with a thesis on Shared-Control for Systems with Constraints from Imperial College London, UK, in 2011, and in 2016, respectively. After completing PhD, she was appointed as a Research Associate in the Control and Power Group at Imperial College London. She has joined AAE Department at Loughborough University as a Lecturer since September 2018. Her research interests include control design of systems with constrains, human-in-the-loop, ADAS design and development of autonomous vehicles. She has authored more than 30 articles in international journals and conferences and edited 2 books.

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